
Hookah insahAR 1.5 Light wood (maple) Complete set

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The size of the water pipe: 20 x 20 x 64 cm

Package contains:

insahAR wooden vase

Wooden vase can take up to 550ml of water and is protected with a layer of silicone, which perfectly isolates the wood from the water. The metal coil for the connection between the head and the body of the pipe is seated in the opening of the wooden part.

insahAR body

Head of the pipe includes a reverse vent with a glass ball and two holes for hoses + blinder. Hoses are connected to the head by two pieces of metal, i.e. one piece is attached to the hose and housing on the head is made out of metal too.

Metal shaft has 2 parts, so you can make portable version (miniboy AR 1.5) using only top part of the body.

Shaft includes bigger, metal, detachable ashtray.

insahAR hose

The combination of metal and silicone makes these hoses extremely durable. Furthermore, these materials do not absorb smell and are easily washable with water.

Rustproof spring inside prevents the silicone hose from breaking up near the vase input and preventing  the draw of the smoke. This spring is seated inside and therefore does not interfere with the design of the hose.

Thanks to the end piece of the hose, old mouth tips can be swapped for new, original ones.

The length of the hose is 150 cm.

insahAR bowl 4hole

Original insahAR bowl is made out of a ceramic mud of high quality and it is baked at 1150°C. Because of this production process the bowl heats up evenly while smoking and it reduces risks of over-burning of a tobacco.

Inside of the bowl is glazed to prevent the tobacco molasses from leaking into the walls of the bowl.

The bottom of this part is bulged to keep the tobacco molasses in the heated area and prevents it from leaking into the body of the pipe.

The combination of all these features of the 4-hole bowl provides constant tobacco taste.


insahAR clam

insahAR clam is made out of massive, rustproof precise steel laser cut.

Simple design, great durability.

Path: > > Hookah insahAR 1.5 Light wood (maple) Complete set